Discussion on the Polytropic Process 关于理想气体多方过程的几点讨论
That the methane expansion process is a polytropic process is presented, the calculation method of polytropic exponent has been pointed out. The thermodynamic model of energy exchange in coal and gas outburst process is established. 指出瓦斯膨胀过程是一多变过程,提出了多变指数n的确定方法,建立了煤与瓦斯突出过程中能量交换的热力学模型。
Determines calculation formula of polytropic exponent of energy accumulator in plenum process. In the light of formulas, oil reservoir of energy accumulator can be accounted. Experiment argued that their accuracy is fully satisfied with requirement of engineering technology and use. 确立蓄能器充压过程中多变指数的计算公式,并据此计算蓄能器的储油量.实验证明,其准确度完全满足工程技术和使用要求.可供设备使用和液压系统设计人员参考。
Replacing the equation of the quasi-static isothermal process by the quasi-static polytropic process of the ideal gas, the barometric formula of polytropic process is deduced, which is better improvement on the barometric formula of isothermal process. 用理想气体的多方过程方程取代等温过程方程,推导出气体处于多方平衡过程时的气压公式,该公式是对气体等温气压公式的一种很好的修正。
Determination of Polytropic Exponent of Energy Accumulator in Plenum Process and Account of Oil Reservoir 蓄能器充压过程中气体多变指数的确定及储油量计算
The Polytropic Exponent n and the Quasi-static Process of ideal Gas 多变指数n与理想气体准静态过程
In this paper, the internal energy and heat of the polytropic process, the adiabatic process and the isothermal processes of the varying mass system are discussed. The three processes of the varying mass system are also compared. 讨论了变质量系统的多方过程、绝热过程及等温过程的能量关系,并与常质量系统的多方过程、绝热过程及等温过程的性质进行了比较。
The study on Teaching of polytropic process 多方过程教学探讨
An annotation on Polytropic Process C 多方过程C的一个注释
Adiabatic Process Can not be Regarded as Polytropic Process 绝热过程不宜看作多方过程的特例
The Characteristics of Heat Absorbed and Released in Polytropic and Non-polytropic Process 理想气体多方过程与非多方过程的吸、放热的特点
It uses P-V graph and T-S graph to discuss the heat rule and characteristic of polytropic process. 利用PV图和TS图分析讨论多方过程的热学规律和特点。
On the Discussion of Molar Heat Capacity in the Polytropic Process of Ideal Gas 关于理想气体多方过程中摩尔热容量的讨论
Polytropic Process, Adiabatic Process and Isothermal Process of Varying Mass System 变质量系统的多方过程、绝热过程及等温过程
The flow of ideal gas in polytropic process was theoretical studied in micro-nozzle, and the influences of polytropic exponent were also analyzed. 理论分析了微喷管中理想气体多变过程的流动情况。